General Dentistry Frisco, Tx “Summer smiles”

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel Everyone at Family Dentistry of Frisco,Tx, hopes you are all having a wonderful Summer. We have had quite a tropical summer! Stay well hydrated. Patients should try and drink at lease 32 ounces ( eight cups ) of water a day. Hydration has a direct link to well being. From […]

Dental Implants Frisco, TX ” Replacing a missing tooth”

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel Family Dentistry of Frisco, Texas : Laser, Sedation and Implant Center. Many people having missing teeth. This can be from teeth that are congenitally missing, Trauma, Decay and infection. Teeth serve multiple functions and it can be both embarrassing to have missing teeth and it can affect ones quality of […]

Frisco Dentist, Creating amazing smiles: Invisalign

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel Invisalign is a clear aligner technology that allows Dentists to treat misaligned teeth to achieve straight and wonderful smiles! At Family Dentistry of Frisco: Laser, Sedation and Implant Center, Dr.Paresh B Patel offers comprehensive orthodontics. Invisalign offers a method to correct misplaced teeth progressively wearing clear aligners, so your family […]

Dont let you Insurance benefits expire!

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel As the Holiday Season approaches, we are sure you are all excited to make plans to see friends and family and buy gifts for all. At Family Dentistry of Frisco we are truly blessed to have a wonderful dental family. Many of our patients have Dental insurance plans. As you […]

Frisco Dentist, Dr.Paresh B Patel – explains, what is a dental implant?

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel We hope you are all having a wonderful week. At Family Dentistry of Frisco:Laser, sedation and Implant center we strive to create clear and effective communication for you: our Dental family :). We have uploaded a exciting new video that discusses dental Implant therapy. At Family Dentistry of frisco, you […]

The importance of Dental Care.

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel We hope you have all had a wonderful summer. It has been great seeing all of you for your dental examinations and cleaning. We believe in preventative dentistry and regular dental assessment’s are a vital to prevent dental decay and periodontal disease from progressing. You oral health and wellness are […]

Happy Valentines Day!

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel You Smile is our passion, our patients are our family. We trust you are all in great health and spirit. I have been practicing dentistry for over a decade and I as I have grown in my love and passion for my work I have also learnt that my patients […]

Happy New Year!

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel Happy New Year to the FDFrisco Family! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We hope you are all keeping nice and warm in the very cold weather we have been having. The new year is always a time for resolutions and new promises. We hope you all will […]

Excellence In Office Design

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel American Dental Association Dental office Design Awards 2013 2013 Excellence in Dental office Design Award The Family Dentistry of Frisco. A state of the art General Dental office. Bespoke Design, intricate contours and soothing colors. We have been humbled by the recognition bestowed upon us by a National Dental office […]

Keep Your Smile Shining with Dental Cleanings at Family Dentistry of Frisco

by: Dr. Paresh B. Patel Keep Your Smile Shining with Dental Cleanings at Family Dentistry of Frisco No matter how much some patients may dread going to the dentist’s office, nearly all of us can agree that we absolutely love how clean and bright our smile looks after we’ve been treated to a dental cleaning […]

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