Now Is the Best Time to Schedule Your Year-End Dental Cleaning and Exam for Yourself and Your Family!
Fall is slowly but surely in the air, and that means we’re in the home stretch for this year when it comes to getting dental cleanings done. That’s because if you have dental insurance, your plan likely rolls over again on January 1st. Now is a good time to get your dental cleanings scheduled so […]
Gum Surgery Can Restore Healthy Gums and Keep Your Teeth in Their Proper Place
When it comes to your smile, healthy gums are as important as healthy teeth! Without your gums to hold your teeth in place, your teeth would eventually fall out. Harmful oral bacteria and bacterial plaque cause tooth decay and cavities along with gum disease. Your gums also protect your body from the bad oral bacteria […]
5 Fabulous Reasons You Will Want to Look Your Best and Consider Whitening Your Teeth!
Teeth can become stained and discolored over time because of poor oral habits leaving them coated with plaque and hardened tartar or even health problems that involve Chemotherapy, radiation and trauma, and even certain medications. People have their teeth whitened for multiple reasons. Some are practical, as with the darkening of teeth that comes with […]
Do You Have the Signs of Sleep Apnea? If So, an Oral Appliance May Help!
If you are waking up gasping for air in the night, or feel perpetually exhausted during the day despite sleeping a full night, you might be experiencing a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea arises when the airway is obstructed in some way, preventing you from breathing optimally. Common Signs of Sleep Apnea: -Snoring […]
Invisalign® Clear Aligners Straighten Your Teeth to Give You the Healthy, Beautiful Smile You Desire and Deserve!
Do you have crooked, crowded or teeth with gaps? Are you self-conscious when you smile? Do you have problems with your bite? Orthodontics can help correct your smile and bite alignment, giving you the straight, attractive teeth you desire. Thanks to Invisalign® clear aligners in Frisco, Texas, Dr. Paresh B. Patel and our team have been helping […]
Family Dentistry of Frisco Is Ready to See You for Your Dental Emergency Monday – Saturday!
Sometimes accidents happen and you need to come in to have your dental emergency treated without waiting for an appointment. Of course, if you or your loved one has an injury to the head or neck, please see your family doctor or go to the ER before calling us. When you call our office at […]
Consider Transforming Your Face This Summer With a Smile Makeover!
When it comes to your smile, a comprehensive approach to dentistry might involve both restorative and cosmetic dental treatment. A missing tooth might do just fine with a crown and bridge while looking at your overall smile might also involve teeth whitening or dental bonding. This might be the case if your teeth, in general, […]
Don’t Let Bruxism Disturb Your Sleep or Harm Your Teeth
Do you wake up in the morning with a stiff or painful jaw? Do you find yourself with morning headaches? If so, you are likely experiencing the effects of bruxism, a condition where you grind your teeth and clench your jaw in your sleep. If this unconscious habit continues, eventually it can wear down tooth […]
Protect Your Smile When Playing High-Risk Sports by Wearing an Athletic Mouth Guard
April is National Facial Protection Month and we want to join the efforts to promote awareness. We do this by supporting the use of protective gear — like mouth guards — to keep dental-facial injuries from happening because of sports or high impact or contact recreational activities. This means wearing a protective mouth guard when […]
Our Family Dentistry of Frisco Dental Team Is Prepared to Treat Your Dental Emergency or Condition
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people the world over, including dental practices right here at home. At Family Dentistry of Frisco, we are taking the necessary precautions to make sure you get the dental care you need in Frisco, Texas as safely as possible. We make sure that the office is cleaned meticulously, we wear […]