1. Do not take any pain medications within 6 hours from the time of pick up.
  2. Continue taking your antibiotic until course is finished if antibiotics have been prescribed.
  3. To alleviate swelling, take 600mg-800mg of Ibuprofen for 10 days (4 times a day).
  4. Start rinsing with Peridex tomorrow night and continue morning and night for the next 10 days. Do not drink any colored drinks on the days you are rinsing with Peridex.
  5. Do not drink from a straw for 3 days.
  6. If you have received a sinus augmentation, do not blow your nose and try not to sneeze for 10 days. Breathe in warm steam with Vicks vapor rub in water two days post-surgery once a day for 10 days.

FIRST HOUR: Do not drink while you are numb. Do not drink hot liquids while you are numb. Bite down gently, but firmly, on the gauze that has been placed over the surgical areas. The gauze should remain in place 30-45 minutes without changing ,regardless of the saturation. If active bleeding persists, place enough new gauze to obtain pressure over the surgical site for another 30-45 minutes. The gauze may then be changed as necessary every 30-45 minutes. If bleeding persists or becomes heavy, you may substitute a tea bag (soaked in warm water, squeezed damp-dry and wrapped in moist gauze) for 30-45 minutes at a time. Oozing is considered normal for a few days.

HELPFUL HINT: Limit talking and enjoy the peace and quiet! The micro movement of your mouth while speaking makes it harder for you to heal.


Keeping your mouth clean following oral surgery is essential. Salt water may be used by mixing approximately 1/4 teaspoon salt into a glass of warm water. Gently rinse with the salt water and repeat as often as you like. This should be done before and after meals. Please do not excessively swish. Dislodging the blood clot from your wound is the cause of a dry socket. Do not use mouth rinses that have alcohol (Scope, Listerine, etc.). Peridex rinses twice a day starting 1 day after treatment.

SWELLING: It takes approximately 48 hours for swelling to reach a peak. Thereafter, improvement should be noticed. Alternate hot and cold packs first three days, for 40 minutes at a time, with first day using only a cold pack. Do not leave the ice in place if you are planning to nap. This will provide benefit only during the first 24 hours.
PAIN: Unfortunately, most oral surgery is accompanied by some degree of discomfort. You will usually have a prescription for pain medication. If you take the first pill before the anesthetic has worn off, you should be able to manage any discomfort better. Some patients find that stronger pain medicine causes nausea, but if you precede each pain pill with a small amount of food, chances for nausea will be reduced. Bread or dairy products work best. The effects of pain medications vary widely among individuals. If you anticipate needing more medication for the evening or weekend, please call for a refill during weekday business hours. Pain medication refills are not given during the evening hours or weekends due to the excessive nature of abuse. Your comfort and wellbeing is our greatest desire. We are better suited to assist you during office hours.
NAUSEA: Nausea is not uncommon after surgery and may be caused by the prescribed medication. Nausea may be reduced by preceding each pill with a small amount of food and a large amount of fluids. Please continue to maintain your fluid and food intake; you will feel much better soon.
DIET: Eat what is comfortable, but avoid tough or crunchy foods. Eat soft foods for the first 10 days. Avoid all nuts, seeds, chips and popcorn! Do not use a straw for 7 days after surgery. Avoid alcohol (includes mouth rinses) and carbonated beverages for the first 7 days. It is advisable to limit the first day of intake to pureed foods (Soups, puddings, mashed potatoes, milk shakes, etc.). Your diet may progress as comfortable, or as directed at the time of your surgery. Eat and drink — you will feel better quicker! Diabetics should maintain normal eating and medication routine following surgery.
SHARP EDGES NEAR SURGICAL SITES: Sharp areas are not uncommon. The bone often splinters as wood does. Your body should take care of this in a natural manner. If the area is painful or does not resolve, please call the office. Occasionally, small slivers of bone may work themselves out during the following weeks.
IRRIGATION SYRINGE: If you are given a plastic irrigating syringe, DO NOT use the syringe for the first five days. Thereafter, use daily according to the enclosed instructions. Please continue usage until no further debris can be irrigated from the wound. There is nothing magical about the syringe. It is only an adjunct to wound care. Not all patients will receive an irrigating syringe as it is not always indicated.
FEVER: Fever is expected following any type of surgery. It is your body’s response to begin the healing process. Fevers are not always a sign of infection.
ORAL HYGIENE: Do not disturb the surgical area today. Do NOT rinse vigorously or probe the area with any objects. You may brush your teeth gently starting the morning after surgery. Do NOT floss a surgical area for 6 weeks, unless directed by the doctor.
PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE: For at least 7 days. Smoking is detrimental to healing. Smoking is also the greatest cause of dry sockets.
We will see you for a follow-up appointment. If any questions or concerns arise please call our office at (469) 362-3150.

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