Family Dentistry of Frisco , TX is a comprehensive General Dental office in Frisco, Texas. We are proud of the state of the art dental facility and the vibrant, caring, skilled and competent team we have. Dentistry comprises many sub specialties e.g endodontic’s, Implant Dentistry, Prosthodontics and cosmetic Dentistry. We provide all of these services in house at our central frisco location, which allows patients at Family Dentistry of Frisco, to have a more convenient and time saving service. Quadrant dentistry allows a entire area of the mouth to be treated at once, thus reducing the number of visits and saving the patient time. Dr.Paresh B Patel has 16 years of Dental experience in Dentistry. Thus we are able to offer Implant Dental services, both Surgical placement of the Implant and the restoration of the Dental Implants. Dr.Paresh B Patel DDS, is both a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology and a Master of the International congress of Oral Implantology.
Lets look at a interesting case of Multidisciplinary quadrant Dentistry: In this case there was a existing molar tooth that had been crowned and was cracked. This tooth needed to be extracted and a Dental implant placed in that site to replace the tooth. The other teeth had large broken down filling and needed Dental crowns in order to restore form and function.
Quadrant Dentistry: Dental crowns and dental Implant
In the middle picture we see the teeth prepared for the seating of the crowns and we see the healed Dental implant within the maxillary jaw bone ready to have the Dental crown seated. By having the treatment carried out with the principle of quadrant Dentistry, the patient saved on having multiple appointments.
Naturally the health of a patient and there ability to tolerate a longer appointment is a defining factor in treatment planning multiple treatments in one visit. We encourage our patients at Family Dentistry of Frisco, TX to speak to Dr.Paresh B Patel about the options available for there dental treatment.